Product Code: FZ-KKS

Kakda Singhi is found in the Himalayas, Kashmir, Sikkim to Bhutan mountain range at 600 to 2500 meters. Its botanical name is Pistacia Integerrima J. L. Stewart, ex Brandis. A different name is used for Kakdaseengi in a different language.
English: Crab’s claw
Hindi: Kakadasingi, Gheekadava, Kakarasingi
Urdu: Kakrasinghi

The gall that is present on leave and branches are used for medical purpose. This gall is formed by the insect Aphis that suck the plant’s juice during the autumn season. These galls are pinkish, greenish, and shape like a horn and hollow from inside, and size varies from 2.5 to 3cm or more.

Medical Use of Kakda Singhi

It is used for the treatment of anorexia, dysentery, and diarrhoea. It is also used for tastelessness, Asthma, Dyspnea, cough, cold, whooping cough, fever, and asthma in children.
It also helps in the clearance of mucus from bronchi, airways, and trachea. Kakda Singhi is quite helpful in treating various bacterial, fungal, and viral infections.

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